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Providing Adequate Provision for Nursing Mothers: FLSA Section 7(r)

 Posted on April 15, 2014 in Employee Rights

nursing mother, FLSA, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, Fair Labor Standards ActWhen the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, it amended a portion of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to accommodate nursing mothers who return to work after the birth of their child. Failure to follow these new rules could result in serious small business employment litigation in Illinois and across the country.

Under the amended Section 7(r) of the FLSA, employers must provide a reasonable break time for nursing mothers to express their breast milk for up to a full year after their child's birth. The employee must be allowed to take these breaks every time they have the need to express their milk. Employees do not have to be compensated for these breaks, unless they fall during the employees' regular compensated break period. This requirement applies to all employers, though businesses with less than 50 employees can apply for an exemption if they can prove the requirements would cause undue hardship to the business. In addition to allowing for time to express the breast milk, employers must also provide a space other than the bathroom for the employee to use during this time. The space can be temporarily created or converted, or can simply be made available to the nursing mother when needed. This space must be free from co-worker intrusion and shielded from the view of both co-workers and clients. It must also be function. In general, employers will need to provide a seat for the employee and an outlet for the pump at a minimum. If you have an employee who is returning to work following childbirth and you are concerned about what will be required of your business under the law, or if you have been accused of violating any part of the FLSA, having a qualified attorney is important. Contact the experienced professionals at the Miller Law Firm, P.C. We have had experience with hundreds of Illinois FLSA cases and can help you ensure your business is protected.

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Illinois Bill Proposes Change to Overtime Pay Eligibility

 Posted on March 30, 2014 in Employee Rights

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Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Worker Misclassification Law

 Posted on March 19, 2014 in Employee Misclassification

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Proposed Minimum Wage Increase may Be Difficult for Illinois Small Businesses

 Posted on February 26, 2014 in Employee Rights

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Hiring Practices Could Mean Tax Credit for Small Businesses

 Posted on February 12, 2014 in Small Businesses

 tax credit for small business IMAGEUnder Illinois employment law, businesses who hire certain groups of employees could earn big tax credits this year.

According to the Illinois Department of Employment Security, employers who participate in the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program could earn up to $9,600 in federal tax credits for hiring certain groups of employees:

  • Up to $2,400 for short-term welfare recipients and ex-felons
  • Up to $9,000 over two years for long-term public assistance recipients
  • Up to $9,600 per veterans for profit employers or up to $6,240 for non-profit organizations.

In addition to these federal credits, Illinois employers can earn substantial state tax credits for hiring veterans, particularly those who served during Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, or Operation Iraqi Freedom. This credit can be up to $5,000. Ten percent of the total earnings paid to every qualified veteran hired after January 1, 2010 can be applied to the credit, as long as the veteran worked at least 185 days during the tax year.

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Cargill Meat Solutions Corp. Ground Up by U.S. Department of Labor for Discriminatory Employment Practices

 Posted on January 30, 2014 in Employment Law

Cargill Meat Solutions Corp., one of the largest privately-held companies in the world, has agreed to settle with the U.S. Department of Labor and pay $2.24 million for allegations of sex-based, race-based, and ethnicity-based discrimination in the company's hiring practices. The settlement will be paid to 2,959 applicants who were discriminated against at three meat-processing plants during the hiring process for production jobs between 2005 through 2009.

  discrimination in the workplace IMAGEThe meat-processing plant in Springdale, Arkansas discriminated against female applicants, the plant in Fort Morgan, Colorado affected female, Caucasian and Hispanic applicants, and the plant based in Beardstown, Illinois discriminated against African-American and Caucasian applicants. Cargill's Senior Vice President made a statement stating that Cargill does not employ discriminatory hiring practices, and that the reason for settlement was to avoid lengthy litigation and any cost or disruptions associated with the action. The settlement amount represents back wages and interest owed to the applicants affected and as part of the agreement, Cargill has agreed to provide 354 jobs to the affected applicants as positions open up within the plants.  Employment Law Settlements

This type of settlement, especially as applied to one of the largest, privately-held corporations in the world, represents a significant win in the employment discrimination field. Having a large corporation at the forefront of an employment discrimination scandal forces other major corporations to reassess the way that they hire potential applicants. The U.S. Department of Labor may want to use Cargill as an example, proving to similar, major corporations that they cannot discriminate just because they have a significant profit margin.

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Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions

 Posted on January 15, 2014 in Employment Law

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) establishes a minimum legal working age, a minimum hourly wage that must be paid, and requires the payment of overtime pay for any employee who works more than 40 hours in a work week. Employers who fail to satisfy these requirements and provisions may be subject to an FSLA lawsuit. However, some employees are exempt from both of these provisions.

minimum wage requirements IMAGECommonly used exemptions to the FSLA requirements include:

  • Commissioned sales employees who earn more than half of their wages from commissions may be exempt from overtime. The employee must also average at least one-half times the established minimum wage for each hour worked.
  • Computer professionals who earn at least $27.63 per hour are exempt from overtime.

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Tech Positions Replacing Middle Management

 Posted on December 20, 2013 in Employment Law

With the end of the year around the corner, employers and employees alike are looking back through 2013 to identify trends that help them to look forward. According to US News and World Report, one of the biggest changes in employment and the job market as of late doesn't involve the number of jobs available, but the type of positions being offered. “A new study from the job-matching service TheLadders suggests… that once-ubiquitous middle-management jobs—with titles like “manager” and “director”—are being replaced by skill-specific positions in the technology sector,” according to US News and World Report.

This arguably echoes similar sociological debates about the decline of the middle class and available positions that retain a certain degree of responsibility but that aren't necessarily high-stress. TheLadders study found that between 2008 and 2013, available job titles that contained the word “manager” had a 25 percent less growth rate than the average growth of job titles on average. “The growth rate of titles containing the word “director” is 50 percent lower,” reports US News and World Report. Of the top 10 percent of growing job titles, less than 2 percent were managerial or directorial positions.

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Companies Warn of More Than 700 Possible Illinois Layoffs

 Posted on December 10, 2013 in Employee Rights

Illinois Employment LawyerAs our country is still working its way up out of the recession, many people are still struggling to find and keep employment. Recently, a few different companies here in Illinois have announced that they may need to eliminate almost 584 jobs.

According to Illinois' Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act report, five other companies have also reported that plan to make even larger cuts in the near future, which means that a total of 745 jobs will be lost in not too long.

The largest of the upcoming Illinois cuts will occur within Booklet Binding Inc. / Team Services located in Carol Stream. This Chicago-area, which currently provides services of binding, packaging, and mailing, will be closing and shedding 177 different jobs.

Another packaging company, Triumph Packaging Group Inc., has stated that they too will be closing, eliminating a total of 98 jobs. Triumph is responsible for manufacturing paperboard boxes, and is currently located in Bolingbrook.

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Unemployment Benefits Could Come to Screeching Halt

 Posted on November 25, 2013 in Employee Rights

Although the country is well on the way toward full financial recovery after the economic crisis that rocked nearly every American industry in 2008 and 2009, unemployment numbers are still high. While there is a significant safety net for the unemployed in America, which includes benefits, unemployment insurance, and temporary compensation, that could be changing at the end of 2013. “Unless the president and Congress act before the end of the year, more than a million Americans will have the plug pulled on their jobless benefits the week after Christmas, and many others who've recently become unemployed or will become unemployed next year will see them sharply curtailed,” according to US News and World Report.

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